Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Paperback dictionaries or online? List one advantage of each?

Paperback - Still a very quick way of accessing dictionary definitions, a paperback is very portable, you don't need any electricity or wireless, for example.

Online - An online dictionary can provide a breadth of definitions. For example, you could get US and UK definitions of the same work (with corresponding pronunciation).

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Devil's Dictionary

What is the name of the  job being defined?

A medical doctor, especially one who has general skill  and is not a surgeon

(Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary)

One upon whom we set our hopes when ill and our dogs when well.
(Devils Dictionary)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Devil's Dictionary

Dictionary definition:

someone whose job is to build walls, buildings etc with bricks

Devil's dictionary:

A person (usually man c.1873) who drinks far too much tea than is good for them, and who charges vast sums of money for hastily constructed dwellings.

see also: scam artist, hod-monkey

About me

  I'm 36 years old and currently live and teach in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. I've also worked in Poland, Bosnia, Bulgaria and Macedonia. My favourite place has to be Bosnia, where I met and eventually married by wife, Theresa.

My interests include learning how to use my new iPod touch, studying Bosnian (though I'm just a beginner), reading fiction and cooking. I also studied Art at university and hope to return to making art one day.